
Socks Socks Socks: 70 Winning Patterns from Knitter's Magazine Sock Contest

Dowdy and dilettante - that's how the socks in this book look like! The colors are horrid, the craftmanship awful. Well, maybe not that awful, after all those are socks we're talking about and socks are by definition not for the novice (and some of those techniques are rather difficult - I do admire that!), but still - this was a contest for amateurs and it shows.

As the other reviewers stated, there are a great many different styles and techniques. Something for everyone. I agree with that. But please! Socks in a book for knitters should at least try to look professional. You could make socks with all of those techniques but way better looking. (Well, I have to be fair - some techniques were quite interesting, but then they had to go and spoil it by choosing those awful colors!)

Out of 70 projects there were only about two that were actually worth reproducing. One of them entrelac (but with horrid colors, yuck!) which I have seen elsewhere before and one lace pattern which was quite pleasant, but not all that stunning either. If I had to choose from this book, then I would choose that lace thing (I forgot the name - something in lavender). But one out of 70? That's not worth buying the book for. Especially since the other patterns are not just not great, but actually ugly and/or something I wouldn't want to be caught dead in! It reminds me of those horrible bulky sweaters in Waldschrat-green and those itching wooly underwear that my granny used to bestow on us kids when we were too little to defend ourselves...

There are other books that have a variety of patterns to offer just like this one, but with much better looking socks and way better craftmanship. Like 'Outside the sox' (another Knitter's Magazine contest, actually). Or that 'Around the world with socks' (or something like that) by Stephanie van der Linden. Or check out that toe-up book by Wendy D. Johnson.

And as for doing such a great job explaining how to work a heel and stuff...well...yes...there are instructions, but...are you kidding?! I found the instruction pages were just pro forma, but there are much better instructions in other books. Seriously.

I love knitting socks and I love books about knitting socks. I just can't get enough! And when I read all the high praises that the other reviewers heaped on this book, I knew I had to have it! Boy, was I wrong! What is so great about this book? I do not understand. Are we talking about the same book?! I have never been more disappointed.